Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Do I LOOK impressed??

Dearest Friends and Family,

I am writing to ask - no, to plead with you - to save me from my mothers. Look at the ridiculous things they force me to wear! And then they take pictures to document it - how am I going to explain that to my future boyfriends? This is so unfair.

I'm currently working on one heck of a messy diaper for some payback, but somehow it doesn't feel like enough. These people are in serious trouble when I can use my hands properly. You just wait!

Help! Send Prada!



Natierae said...

I think the fact that we get to play "dolls" with them makes up for the lack of sleep, and those awesome poopy diapers!!

Shonna said...

You go girl...poop away....puke too...get em good...

Love ya

Grandma Shonna
